A selection of recent paintings. Although I've always drawn for work and pleasure, its only over the last few years that I've started painting in a serious way. Although I feel I'm at an early stage I think various themes exploring cultural norms, art history, dreams and clowns are starting to recur.
'After Tiepolo'
Oil on canvas. 30"x 20". Sold
'After Tieoplo was exhibited and sold at the Royal Academy Summer Show 2023. It's a wry reflection on the pursuit of cultural enlightenment. With clowns.
'Shanghai Express'
Oil on canvas. 14"x 18"
This is based on my rather hazy memory of the Marlene Dietrich/Josef von Sternberg film that I saw as a teenager. I suspect the film looks very dated these days, but it had a dreamlike glamour that made a big impression on me at the time.
'Cultivated Flowers: Peonies/Poussin'
Oil on canvas. 18" x 22"
This is part of a series of flower paintings that I'm working on, superimposing flowers on copies of or details from Old Master paintings. Underlying the peonies is my study of Poussin's 'Diana and Endymion', a painting I've repeatedly returned to.
'After Poussin (1)'
Oil on canvas. 24" x 24"
Based on Poussin's Diana and Endymion, I tried to explore the theatrical and dreamlike atmosphere of the original.
'After Poussin (2)'
Oil on canvas. 24" x 24"
A looser approach to the same subject matter as above.
'Grimaldi's Last Ride'
Oil on canvas. 15" x 18"
A tribute to the last days of Joseph Grimaldi, the creator of the modern clown. Dimensions include hand made frame.
Oil on canvas 14" x 18"
My first attempt at a religious subject.
'She made them feel Uneasy'
Oil on canvas 12" x 9"
Collection of Michelle Howarth Rashman.